Medea as a Work of Protofeminism
Aside from all the gore, however, this is an interesting play on several different levels. Firstly, Medea is not Greek; she's a 'barbarian' (aka not Greek). Albeit, I haven't read many Greek plays, but I've read enough to realize that that's out of the ordinary.
That goes along with my second point, Medea isn't really punished for killing her children. Which is weird because, if Orestes is hounded by furies for killing his mother for killing his father, Medea should get some sort of slap on the wrist. I feel like there's some sort of double standard going on there. I'm not sure if she isn't punished because she's a barbarian, meaning that less is expected of her, or because her actions are justified. Obviously, Medea had a huge (actually, huge doesn't even begin to cover it) over reaction, but Medea's revenge on Jason is equivocal with the effect Jason's betrayal has had on her life. Medea cannot go home because she betrayed her family for Jason; she killed for Jason. Clearly, Medea intends to take her revenge eye-for-an-eye style. One could also argue that the death of her children is as much a punishment for Medea as it is for Jason.
But, when you get right down to it, the play seems to be indicating that Jason is in the wrong. Medea's actions are, to a certain degree, justified. Jason has behaved dishonorably towards his wife and is punished for it.
The whole play presents a sort of protofeminism. Like, Medea has so many great lines about that nature of women's roles in Greek society. Medea describes women with a question "what other creatures are bred so exquisitely and purposely for mistreatment as women are?". There are a lot of cynical, ironic moments like this sprinkled throughout the play. One of my favorite lines from the play is "men with their battles, on the field but women are ruthless when the bed becomes the battleground. We've lain in our own blood before...and have survived". This is such a striking line and it really proves how astute Medea is. Her perceptions are stunningly accurate.
Setting aside the fact that Jason's punishment involved the deaths of four people that were not Jason, the message here seems to be fairly progressive: Medea cannot be scorned; Medea deserves better. Which is a message I support; Medea is aggrieved and her grievances are met. I don't think that needs to involve blood and gore; but, it is Euripides.
Just readin'
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